
Thursday, 28 June 2018

This is my diorama

Hello guys. This last Mouth were doing the diorama because the teachers said to make a diorama and she will put this on the hall. So you have to draw your plan and that's your first step and after. Then you make your background after that you need a lot of materials from your plan but mine is not many of materials.

Thank you guys and see you next time Bye 

My Interview plan

Hi guys welcome to my Interview plan. There are some questions from your buddy just look down to see my buddy. You need a Introduction and 3 Category with 5 Category.Then if your questions are weak that will be red and your questions are strong that will yellow.

I am interviewing: David


Hello and welcome to all of you . Hi my name is Joseph and I am interviewing David at Hornby Primary School. I have questions for David and he’s going to answer these questions. So David are you ready to answer for these?. So I hope you like and sit back and relax and hope you enjoy it.
Category 1:Family
What is your favorite thing to do with your family and why?
If your mum was going to buy you a pet, what would you choose and why?
Does your family come from NZ or another country?
Do you fight with your sister, what about and who wins?
Do you have grandparents who live in NZ, if not where do they live?
Category 2:WISH LIST
What occupation do you want to have when you leave school?
How many pets would you like to have and why?
What would you like for your birthday present?
Do you like computer games and which 2 are your favorite?
Which present do you like to give at christmas?
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite animals?
Where would you like to play in the house?
If you want to pick out everything and do what would be it?
What game are you playing in morning tea and lunchtime?
Thank you very much to all for interviewing my work. Thank you David for interviewing my interview plan.
Thanks for reading my Interview plan and comment if you like and see you next time Bye!.

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

My Learning Goals

Hi guys welcome to My Learning Goals. This is My Learning Goals slide and I have this goal for last term and I didn't open to for a wild. So my goal have Reading, Writing, Maths and also Personal goal. I'll tell you how to do it Reading how good are you at Reading,Writing, Maths and Personal goal.
Look down below to see the pictures.

Thanks for watching My Learning Goals slide and if you like this slide just comment it see next time Bye

Digital Ignition

Hi guys welcome back again.

In our school every Tuesday were going to the hall with year 4,5 and 6. This is reading time but we have some time to coding with Lyn and she teaching us all about the coding. Then she gave all of us the pictures it's like the MBOT will go to all the pictures. After we put all the pictures she gave us and we barrow the iPad to control the MBOT. But we just need the move from the iPad and sorry guys I can't find our video but I have the pictures and look down below.

Thanks for watching my Digital Ignition and comment down below Bye


Hi guys and welcome back for my new blog post.

This is my Measurement docs about the centimetre then we need to measure first the 1 cm, 10 cm and last 30 cm. We need to find people have a group of 3 and I joined to Joshua and Shadrach. Then we sit to the yellow table with Miss D and Alex few minutes later then Miss D done for teaching Alex leaning goals. Then Miss D told me to group with Alex so I leave Joshua's group a few minutes later we found the 1 cm thing in our school and here is the pictures of a 1 cm.

Thank for watching my blog post:

Bar Graph

Hello guys. This is my Bar graph about the votes and also the sport votes. Then you can make your labels about sport or animals somethings like that. Then we have a question for each student and they need to pick a sports and choose 1 every sports.

I hope you enjoy my Bar Graph and if you like my Bar Graph just comment down bellow if you like it bye

Independent task week 8

Hi guys welcome back to my blog post. This is my Independent task week 8 am going to post this week were learning about the measurement. Then were doing the measurement about millilitres and litres on slide 3. Then next slide were doing the millilitres and litres again if you have 1000 millilitres that will be 1 litres.

If you like my blog post just comment down below see you next time bye

Cross Country

Hi guys. Last May 14 we have our Cross Country at Kyle Park. All the student are going to Cross Country and I am having fun. All year 3-6 are having fun and want to run at the Kyle Park

Thank you guys for watching my Cross Country blog post and comment down below see you next time Bye.

Friday, 1 June 2018

My Cyclone gita

Hi guys. This is my Cyclone gita information about the cyclone in Samoa and Tonga. Were learning about Cyclone Gita in our school.

please leave a comments down below and see next time Bye.